Art in Nursing


As I look into this beautiful sunset I can only help but see how similar the art of a sunset is so closely related to the art in nursing. Much like a picture of a sunset has so many different layers that make it beautiful there are many different types of nursing that make it such a work of art. Being a nurse can mean so many different things with the types of nursing they can do. For example a nurse can be a nurse on the ICU, maternity floor, or the cardiac floor, which all require a different set of skills. This diversity that a nurse can have is what really makes it a work of art. Many of us have already been given the opportunity to begin to experience this in our clinical. One of the other ways the sunset depicts the art in nursing is that it is always changing. A sunset is always changing each day, just like a nurses day on the floor.  No two days will ever be exactly the same so they need to be prepared for anything, which isn’t a an easy task. The ability for a nurse to be able to handle this is an art on its own. 

For me the real beauty of art in nursing comes from the fact that it is so diverse and unpredictable. I find the most enjoyment in art when I’m surprised and always see something new, hence seeing the art in nursing in a sunset. Both nursing and sunsets are able to keep me on my toes and always be ready for the next day, because I never know what I’m going to get. 
