Final reflection

From working on this team project, I learned that the EBP process requires a lot of hard work and collaboration from a team in order to get results to the question at hand. Some skills we learned was how to identify which resources are the best to use and how to cite these resources in text and in a resource page. As well as being able to identify key points in the articles we found. I think the most important skill we learned and practiced in the class was being able to work as a team productively and efficiently. Making sure every team member does their job and do it correctly can be difficult but I feel that this course helped us prepare for that challenge. The teamwork skills we learned will also transcend beyond just EBP and into our clinical practices. Being able to work together as a team is a very important skill for a nurse to possess. Nurses need to be able to collaborate with different aspects of a health care team every day in order to present the best care possible for the patient. 
